Hi, I'm Stephanie Gauding and I love photography!

What makes photography so great, you might ask? Well, it's my job to capture the moments, the moments that make you smile, the moments that will be preserved for a lifetime! I love that!  It's a part of who I am. I am always taking photos, just ask my kiddos! I want to be able to say, hey do you remember when and pull out a photo of it..not just any old photo but one that inspires feelings. Sometimes when I see how a husband looking at his wife that certain way, it brings tears to my eyes and sometimes when I see a mom and child play together it makes me want to just laugh! That's what photography does, it makes those great moments stand still and I get to enjoy those moments along with you! So that's my story, but that's not all... I do want to mention that my faith plays a big part in my life and I love that photography often gives me opportunities to share that with others! The wisemen followed the shining star to Jesus and so I want to be like that shining star! Now that really makes me smile:)